Friday, December 2, 2011


Well, it has been nearly two years since I've done any significant selling online, and I am feeling a tad frustrated now that I'm trying to get back into it.  Data feeds to Google and similar sites were a fairly new thing when I was last doing this are now the total norm, and I feel like I have to go and learn how to do it all from scratch!  It is rather frustrated.  I know it probably sounds rather dramatic, but I feel like my time away from being able to get onto the Internet constantly is like being in prison for a couple years and now I have to relearn how to function in normal society again now that my sentence is nearly over. I can handle running around in the "real world" just fine, but I almost feel as if I have to relearn how to do Internet sales again, because of all this feed stuff.  I'm a pretty smart guy, I think, but reading lists of technical details on what kind of things are allowed in a feed and watching equally technical, monotone-voiced videos about data quality aren't exactly helping me any.  I just feel like banging my head on the wall sometimes when I try to go through figuring all this stuff out.

See, this video above is the kind of helpful videos that they give you to watch!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! (ha ha)

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